Tesla Model X: Reservoir Assembly - Coolant (Remove and Replace)
Tesla Model X 2015-2025 Service Manual / Thermal Management / Reservoir Assembly - Coolant (Remove and Replace)
- Remove the HEPA filter duct (refer to procedure).
- Lift up the front of the cowl panel and release the drain hose.
- Move the drain hose away from the working area.
- Disconnect the coolant fluid level sensor electrical connector.
- Remove the bolts (x4) that secure the coolant reservoir to the
front crossmember (torque 6 Nm).
Note: Components have been removed in this graphic to aid clarity.
- Release the 12V harness clip from the coolant reservoir.
- Clamp both coolant hoses from the reservoir.
- Remove the reservoir cap. Note: Place suitable absorbent material around the affected area to absorb any possible fluid spillage.
- Siphon the coolant from the reservoir into a container.
- Release the locking rings that secure the coolant hoses to the coolant reservoir. Release the coolant hoses from the nipples on the reservoir. Caution: Plug the line connections to prevent ingress of moisture or dirt.
- Remove the coolant reservoir from the vehicle.
Installation procedure is the reverse of removal, except for the following: Refill and bleed the cooling system (refer to procedure).