Tesla Model X: Radiator (Remove and Replace)
Remove the cooling fan module assembly (refer to procedure).
Place the cooling fan module on a flat, clean surface with the
radiator facing up.
Release the RH side of the radiator from the open-ended
retaining clips on the condenser fan shroud bracket. Pivot the
radiator towards the LH side of the condenser.
Release the radiator from the condenser fan shroud bracket and
lift it up off of the condenser.
Installation procedure is the reverse of removal.
Remove the HEPA filter duct (refer to procedure).
Lift up the front of the cowl panel and release the drain hose.
Move the drain hose away fr
Remove the cooling fan module (refer to procedure).
Remove the battery cage (refer to procedure).
Remove the bolts (x4) that secure the 3-way and 4-way valves to
the plast
Remove the cooling fan module (refer to procedure).
Remove the battery cage (refer to procedure).
Remove the bolts (x4) that secure the 3-way and 4-way valves to
the plast
When following a vehicle with Traffic-Aware Cruise
Control active, engaging the turn signal (to indicate a
move into the passing lane) accelerates Model X towards
the vehicle ahead. By momentarily holding the turn
signal, you can quickly accelerate up to your set speed
without having to press t
NOTE: Summon may not operate if the battery is low on
the key fob.
Follow these steps to park Model X from outside the
vehicle using the key fob:
1. On the touchscreen, ensure that Require Continuous
Press is disabled (touch Controls > Autopilot >
Customize Summon > Require Continuous