Tesla Model X: Tire - Front - LH - Rebalance
Tesla Model X 2015-2025 Service Manual / Wheels and Tires / Tire - Front - LH - Rebalance
Warning: Always read and understand the tire equipment operator's manual and on-screen instructions before operating the wheel balancer or tire changer.
Note: These instructions are based on the Hunter GSP9700 wheel balancer. Some steps might be different for other wheel balancers. Refer to the operator's manual and on-screen instructions for specific information.
- Remove the front road wheel (refer to procedure).
- Install the proper inner cone adapter on the wheel balancer.
- Place the wheel on the balancer with the front of the wheel facing outward.
- Position the outer flange plate on the wheel.
- Press and hold the brake pedal to keep the wheel from spinning.
- Tighten the wingnut.
- Use a plastic scraper tool to remove all existing wheel weights. Discard the wheel weights. Note: Thoroughly clean all adhesive residue.
- In the Service Manual, refer to General Information > Technical Data > Tire pressures. Note the correct tire pressure, depending on suspension type, tire size, and region.
- Attach the air chuck to the valve stem, then set the correct pressure on the touchscreen. The balancer automatically adjusts the tire pressure.
- Disconnect the air chuck from the valve stem.
- Lower the hood. The balancer checks the road force and balance.
- If the road force is within the limit, skip to the next step.
- If the road force is above the limit:
- Hold the dataset arms against the rim at the points that best approximate where the bead of the tire sits on the wheel while the balancer checks the rim runout.
- Mark the locations on the wheel and the tire as shown by the balancer.
- Transfer the wheel from the balancer to the tire changer.
- Match-mount the tire on the wheel: Hold the tire stationary while rotating the wheel until the marks line up.
- Transfer the wheel to the balancer.
- Repeat the previous steps to check the road force and balance.
- Install the wheel weights:
- Touch START. The balancer rotates the wheel and projects a red line on the center of the proper weight position.
- Press and hold the brake pedal to keep the wheel from spinning.
- Clean the wheel surface thoroughly and allow it to dry.
- Apply the weights specified by the balancer, centered on the red line.
- Repeat the previous step to install additional weights, if prompted by the balancer.
- Lower the hood. The balancer checks the balance again. Follow the on-screen instructions if the wheel is still not balanced.
- Record the road force on the Repair Order.
Note: If rebalancing or installing multiple tires, record the road force for each tire on the Repair Order.